Thursday, May 31, 2012

Beckman Institute, a Multidisciplinary Lab

One lion fish, one star fish, one clown fish and two other fish too in that fish pot. All are beautiful. I learned their names from the description posted by the side. There is a wall poster too highlighting an interesting recent finding of that research team. The phenomenon of changing the gender in clown fish; a male clown fish can become a female in certain circumstances!
I’m not in a zoo, nor in an aquarium. But I’m in the corridor outside our lab in the Beckman Institute. Our neighboring lab is Marine Biology, containing many fish bowls used for their experiments. They maintain a sample aquarium on their windowsill for people like me to see. 

Lion Fish
This is Beckman Institute, which is an interdisciplinary research institute devoted to physical sciences, engineering, biology, behavior, cognition, neuroscience and computation. Here research groups work within and across their own field. There can be marine biology lab next to the signal processing lab and a brain mapping lab near the environmental lab. This provides a facility for people belonging to different fields so they can at least watch the research work of others, even though they aren’t permitted to encroach upon the work of others. People start thinking about collaborations only if there are chances to know the difficulties or challenges in others’ work. This is one reason why I really appreciate my Professor (faculty associate) who takes people from different fields like physics, electrical engineering, polymers, chemistry, bio engineering, electronics and other fields. Selecting the host and the host institution is very important. Fortunately, I got one best innovator as my faculty associate.
I haven’t found such a laboratory in any of the universities in my country. There can be certain national labs where different disciplines function under the same roof. But in universities different departments function in separate buildings. We don’t even think about the possibility of interdisciplinary research.
Beckman Lab; different views

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