Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kajal without kajal

"See this." Kajal Ghosal gave me the packet and said.

"What's it?" I asked.

"Rituparno Ghosh's movies... Four cinemas in separate CDs. You all can take one CD each and copy the other three movies. I heard you were discussing his movies and so I asked my husband to bring it for you."

This 'all' intends Latha, Raji, Jinu and I. See, how she plans things... But sorry that none of us could watch the movies so far. To be more specific, none of us could plan things like Kajal.. Our time management is not that effective..

Jovial and fun loving person

"Kajal, what is this number? Is it 4 or 9? Your handwriting is not legible." I commented. 

But then I was embarrassed and was ashamed of making this nasty remark. She is my colleague; not student. I should have been more careful. 

"Sorry, Kajal. Sorry for the comment." I said.

"It's OK. Don't worry, you're not the first person who commented on my hàndwriting. My mother-in-law teases me on this. In Durgapur, a neighbour used to visit us; an illiterate girl aged about ten years. I thought of teaching her alphabets. I started giving her lessons on how to read and write. Then my mother-in-law told me."

"Kajal, teaching her how to read is alright. But for God's sake, don't teach her how to write. she is not at all familiar with the alphabets. So she will just follow you and start writing in weird scripts."

This comment is enough for a quarrel, if it is an ordinary daughter-in-law. But it is Kajal and being a humorous and positive person, it ended in laughter.

"We'll adopt a baby girl.."

She told me one day.

Perhaps that was the first moment I started observing her closely and carefully. Due to some personal reasons, I could relate it even though not with the same intensity as that of Kajal. I know families who have adopted children from orphanages. But they don't have kids. But it is really surprising to meet a family who wish to adopt a child, and that too a girl child, when they are already having their own kid. It is really a divine, great act to give life to a girl which would be pathetic and miserable otherwise. I have read about such families, but it is really amazing to see such persons. I don't know whether she can fulfill it or not. Because it is not that simple, as we can guess.

Brave woman

That day, the School of Computer Sciences was conducting the 'Interface' at the SCS auditorium. Students were going uphill and rushing downhill for something or the other. Kajal and I were walking downhill to the bus stop. When we were near the Computer Sciences department, a car rushed past us, made a sudden turn and entered the porch. It was a narrow escape and we lost breath for a while. Kajal was terribly frightened; but a few minutes later, her fear turned out into a sort of concern.

She said, "I'm concerned not only about us but for him also. He is a student and we should warn him. Otherwise he will repeat this, cause accidents and will injure himself."

"Yeah, if you feel so, we can tell him." I replied half-hearted...I thought why we should involve in unnecessary troubles...But I didn't want to leave her alone in that situation. Not because she can't handle our language, but because she is my friend. 

She entered the building. I had nothing else to do but to follow her. We spotted out the boy who made the adventurous drive. Next moment I found Kajal talking to him. They were in the computer lab . I was confused (as always) whether to remove the chappal or not. Anyway, then I joined them. The boy was perplexed and was just staring at her. He denied it, but at last he apologized on behalf of the person who committed it.

"Brave girl." I commented. 

"My husband says similarly. He says, now he learns from me how to stay alone in a strange place. Here I stay with my parents or in-laws. But you know, I manage reverything myself as they are aged. 

Mother-in-law feeds the daughter-in-law

All working women are busy in the morning hours, especially if they have small, mischievous kids. And usually, they are forced to skip their breakfast. Can you imagine a mother-in-law who puts food in her daughter-in-law's mouth in such situations? As per our conviction it is almost impossible, or at least very rare. This may happen in the case of a mother and a daughter. But now I understand this can happen in the case of daughter-in-law as well, if it is Kajal. 

It is amazing when we come to know that the same mother opposed their marriage initially, as she wasn't ready to accept a working woman as her daughter-in-law.

A considerate person who is very careful not to hurt others' feelings by her words or actions. Kajal doesn't need to put kajal in her beautiful eyes as she has a clear vision and insight without any kajal.